Dal Al Taqwa finalized place for Masjid in Ojima
Alhamthulillah. We have found a place near to Ojima Station
5% Amount Paid to the Owner
On Ashura Day, 10th day of Muharram, we made contract with Land Owner
Total Cost of Masjid is around 12,000万 JPY (85,000 USD)
Location of New place is 5 mins Walk from Ojima Station. Both Land and Building is cost around 12,000万 JPY (85,000 USD)
Alhamthulillah, 2,800万 JPY has already been collected and we need the remaining amount
“Dar Al Taqwa” Masjid Project
Kindly donate Generously and also pass to others who can donate as well.
May Allah give you barakah in your daily dealings & bless you khair hereafter
Ojima Mushallah DAR AL-TAQWA Nihon Islamic Bunka Centre
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